Stamford, CT - Trout Unlimited
This event will be hosted by an Independent Promoter. Please contact promoter through contact us link on ticketing page for all communication concerning this event.
Join Trout Unlimited and the Mill River Park Collaborative for a fun, family-friendly evening of fly fishing events and activities in the park and a special screening of the Fly Fishing Film Tour under the stars!
The evening starts at 6 p.m. with fun, family-friendly activities - all free for anyone to attend! Join us to learn:
- How to cast a fly rod
- How to tie a fly
- What creepy, crawly and cute insects live in the Mill River
- For a streamside scavenger hunt
- And much more!
After dark, stick around to watch the world-famous Fly Fishing Film Tour movies (watch movie trailers) on the big screen under the stars! Movie tickets are $25 per person, or $50 for a family ticket.
Sponsored by Costa, Yeti, Simms Fishing, Trout Unlimited, Thomas & Thomas, Ross Reels, Yellow Dog Fly Fishing Adventures, and Oskar Blues Brewing