Sandpoint, ID Panhandle Chapter TU & N40 Outfitters
The Fly Fishing Film Tour at the Panida
Theater. F3T is brought
to Sandpoint by North 40 Fly Shop and the Panhandle Chapter of Trout Unlimited. Doors open at 5:45pm
and the show will begin at 7:00pm
Lots of great raffles and door prizes.
All proceeds from this event will benefit Trout
Unlimited and the Pend Oreille Water Festival, teaching Bonner County 5th
graders about water quality & fisheries for over years.
Tickets ($12) are available
locally in advance at North 40 Fly Shop, 208-255-5757 (ask for the Fly Shop)
and Eichardts Pub. Tickets
can be purchased online by visiting www.flyfilmtour.com They can be purchased
for $15 at the door on the night of the event.
For more information please
contact Reg Crawford at reg@panhandletu.org, or Taylor, at Taylor.Hess@north40.com
Visit panhandletu.org or
flyfishingfilmtour.com for details.