Madison, WI - Barrymore Theatre
2021 Fly Fishing Film Tour
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
This event ended
Thu, Sep 23 - 10:00 PM
Sold Out
Tickets available at:
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This event will be hosted by an Independent Promoter. Please contact The Barrymore Theatre for all communication concerning this event.
The Barrymore Theatre is proud to present the 2021 Fly Fishing Film Tour!! The F3T is home the world's best collection of fly fishing films. With a mix of conservation and excitement the F3T is proud to come to Madison! Grab your friends and fellow anglers to come together for the F3T!
Sponsored by Costa, Yeti, Simms Fishing, Trout Unlimited, Thomas & Thomas, Ross Reels, Yellow Dog Fly Fishing Adventures, and Oskar Blues Brewing
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