Green River, WY
The Seedskadee Chapter of Trout Unlimited has announced that they will be bringing the Fly Fishing Film Tour - F3T to Sweetwater County for the seventh year!
The Fly Fishing Film Tour will be shown in the middle of the mighty Green River on Expedition Island on Friday March 6. The doors will open at 5pm and the film will begin at 7pm. There will be raffles, games, food and drawings that will feature chances to win a guided float and wading trips, Camp Chef Pursuit Pellet Grill, Thomas & Thomas fly rod, Blue Halo Gear, Women’s fishing gear, fly boxes full of flies and much more.
The time has come to announce the launch of the 14th annual Fly Fishing Film Tour (F3T) for 2020. We’ve sifted through a long list of worthy submissions and feel confident that we’ve selected the 11 fish flicks to best embody the spirit of fly fishing through cinematic tales of conservation, education, and adventure from our local rivers to far flung destinations.
If you’re in the audience at the F3T, it’s fair to assume you can recall your first time casting a rod. At first, you just wanted to catch a fish, then catch a bigger fish, and now, it’s taken on a world of its own and you find joy in watching someone else make their first cast. You’ll see that attitude in several of our films this year.
In “Common Tread” from Thrive Visuals, fly fishing is the glue that holds several generations of a Texas family together through the loss of a beloved family member. The recovery of the Gunnison River from whirling disease, told in “Project Rainbow” from Hog Leg Fly Fishing, is the story of how a dedicated group of anglers and researchers saved one of the west’s great fisheries for the next generation. “Time” from Fly Lords profiles Lefty Kreh and Flip Pallot, who both taught and inspired thousands of anglers. These are just some of the stories to be told at the 2020 F3T.
Food will be provided by Sweetwater Smoke.
A variety of Beer, Wine, and Non-alcoholic beverages will be provided free of charge. Must be 21 or older to consume alcohol.
$20 Tickets are being sold at the Green River Chambers of Commerce, Rock Springs, Chambers of Commerce, the SweetwaterNOW office, Square State Brewery, Trout Unlimited Office, through local Trout Unlimited Members and online. 12 years old and younger get in free!
Find out more information about Seedskadee Chapter #533 of Trout Unlimited on Facebook/Instagram @seedskadeetroutwy
For information about the film, please contact Nick Walrath at 307.532.0753 nick.walrath@tu.org or Sadie St.Clair-Valdez at 406.425.1338 seedskadeetu@gmail.com